(CGTN) China plans to realize manned lunar landing by 2030. What are the details that have been revealed?

June 02, 2023
(CGTN) China plans to realize manned lunar landing by 2030. What are the details that have been revealed?

Prof. Quentin Parker, Director of LSR, shared his views on China’s ambitious plans for space exploration, including a manned lunar landing by 2030.


Abstract of the interview:

China plans to achieve a manned lunar landing by 2030, with the goal of carrying out lunar scientific exploration and related technological experiments. The China manned space agency also plans to master key technologies such as Earth-moon-manned round trip, lunar surface short-term stay, and human-robot joint exploration. 

The agency’s Shenzhou-16 manned space mission will work on space walks, system verification, and scientific experiments during a five-month stay aboard China’s space station. The space station is also planned to expand from T-ship to a cross ship, with a new module to have multiple extra docking ports to allow the station to grow. 

China’s moon exploration mission is progressing well, with Chang’e-4 and Chang’e-5 already completed, and Chang’e-6 planned for 2024. The country is developing a track record of ambition and success in space exploration.


This podcast was published on 29 May on CGTN, from 00:46 to 13:50: https://radio.cgtn.com/podcast/news/1/China-plans-to-realize-manned-lunar-landing-by-2030/418812