A joint team of astronomers including a member of HKU’s Laboratory for Space Research, captured stellar winds in unprecedented detail

A joint team of astronomers including a member of HKU’s Laboratory for Space Research, captured stellar winds in unprecedented detail

A group of astronomers led by the University KU Leuven, Belgium and including Professor Albert Zijlstra, a member of ...

September 18, 2020
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Member of HKU’s Laboratory for Space Research Co-discovers the first planet found around white dwarf star

Member of HKU’s Laboratory for Space Research Co-discovers the first planet found around white dwarf star

An international team of astronomers led by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, including NASA co-authors, and Thomas G. ...

September 16, 2020
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Public Seminar by PhD Candidate Under Supervison of Dr. Joseph Michalski

Public Seminar by PhD Candidate Under Supervison of Dr. Joseph Michalski

A Public Seminar entitled: Some geomorphological features in the Qaidam basin, northwest China and implications for ...

September 14, 2020
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