Faculty of Science endorsed operational parameters for the LSR

1. The LSR is an interdisciplinary entity under the Faculty of Science

a. The LSR director reports directly to the Dean
b. The LSR director is responsible for its management and for setting its strategic direction in consultation with LSR members
c. The LSR director has the authority to negotiate agreements and MoUs on behalf of the LSR
d. The Faculty is then responsible for approving research proposals and LSR RGMS and other LSR specific grant spending which concern the LSR as an entity
e. The Faculty of Science is responsible for approving agreements, contracts, MoUs etc. following established procedures
i. This includes, where relevant, approval by the Faculty Board and/or involvement and checking by TTO and/or Research Services
ii. Copies of the approved agreements, contracts, etc. will be provided to the two relevant RDDs for their information and reference after the approval process has been completed


2. Proposals, POs, etc. by individual members of the LSR in their individual academic staff capacity will be handled by the RDD of relevant Research Division to which an individual member belongs


3. The LSR will hold a meeting for academic staff members at least once a semester

a. Meeting minutes will be made and distributed according to usual procedures (typed in, emailed to all members for comments, revised if needed and distributed again and finally signed to confirm the minutes in the next meeting)
b. Additional consultations will be scheduled when necessary to ensure two-way communication on major developments.
c. The LSR will also hold an annual general meeting (AGM) once a year, and the first meeting will be in December 2020


4. A brief report from the LSR on its activities will be included in the regular Physics and Astronomy and Earth and Planetary Science research division meetings, to keep the divisions informed on LSR activities.

a. It would be good if a link to the LSR website could be included on the relevant research division webpages


5. The LSR will attempt to engage more productively and creatively with the wider membership of the research divisions and host departments.

a. Research Division Directors and the Associate Dean (Research) will communicate with staff members in research areas relevant to space science who are currently not involved or minimally involved in LSR to try to address any concerns they may have and facilitate resolution of various historical issues to encourage more involvement and participation in LSR


6. LSR director will meet with two RDDs on regular basis, every 2-3 months.