Padova CISAS
The Centre of Studies and Activities for Space (CISAS) “G.Colombo”, founded in 1991 at University of Padova, is a multi-disciplinary institute with over 50 members, including over 40 professors, spanning the departments of Physics and Astronomy, Electronics and Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, and Geoscience.
Since 1992, CISAS has its own PhD School in “Science, Technology and Measurement for Space”, as well as its own labs, and related facilities in measurement and instrumentation for space, space robotics, hypervelocity impacts, space propulsion, and satellite navigation. Its main areas of research are: Astronomy and Astrophysics from space, Flight Dynamics and Satellite Navigation, Exploration of the Solar System and Planetary Sciences, Space Geodesy and Geodynamics, Space Systems, Electric and hybrid propulsion, Space Robotics, and Aerospace instrumentation. The foundation of CISAS rests on the tradition in Space Research developed at the University of Padova over the last 40 years and initiated by Prof. Giuseppe Colombo.
CISAS aims to train a new generation of inter and multidisciplinary graduates and researchers with knowledge
and competence in the different fields required by fundamental sciences, applied research, and industry.
CISAS actively collaborates with various national space agencies (e.g. HASI, NASA, ESA) on a variety of high-profile projects (e.g. Cassini Huygens, PFS, Mars Express, Venus Express, Rosetta, SIMBIO SYS, Bepi Colombo) as well as on technology demonstrators and probes for stratospheric balloon missions. In addition, CISAS provides support to ESA and ASI for testing and qualification of payloads for space missions.
Since 1992, CISAS has its own PhD School in “Science, Technology and Measurement for Space”, as well as its own labs, and related facilities in measurement and instrumentation for space, space robotics, hypervelocity impacts, space propulsion, and satellite navigation. Its main areas of research are: Astronomy and Astrophysics from space, Flight Dynamics and Satellite Navigation, Exploration of the Solar System and Planetary Sciences, Space Geodesy and Geodynamics, Space Systems, Electric and hybrid propulsion, Space Robotics, and Aerospace instrumentation. The foundation of CISAS rests on the tradition in Space Research developed at the University of Padova over the last 40 years and initiated by Prof. Giuseppe Colombo.
CISAS aims to train a new generation of inter and multidisciplinary graduates and researchers with knowledge
and competence in the different fields required by fundamental sciences, applied research, and industry.
CISAS actively collaborates with various national space agencies (e.g. HASI, NASA, ESA) on a variety of high-profile projects (e.g. Cassini Huygens, PFS, Mars Express, Venus Express, Rosetta, SIMBIO SYS, Bepi Colombo) as well as on technology demonstrators and probes for stratospheric balloon missions. In addition, CISAS provides support to ESA and ASI for testing and qualification of payloads for space missions.